
This tutorial is to be used with the ASF’s Karst Index Database at

Production & Test KIDs

There are two Karst Index Databases; a production KID at: and a development or test KID at:

You can also tell which KID you are using by the color of the header and the text in the top left of the header as shown in the figures below.

KID Production

KID Test

The production KID has a green header and in this example user “guest” is logged in. The test KID has a pink header, updater “jdoe” (John Doe) is logged in and also the text “on test database” will be shown.

The test KID can be used to familiarise yourself with updating procedures and the use of this software. Do not worry about changing the data or making mistakes. The data in the test KID is just a copy of the original data from the production KID. However, because it is being used by updaters for practice and by the software developers for testing the data may change and it is unlikely to be the same as the production data.

Also, although it is just test data you should still try and limit your changes to the same caves, maps, areas, organisations and people that you would be updating in the real, production KID and make sensible and realistic changes to the data.

In this tutorial the test KID will be used.

Logging into the Database as an Updater

When you go to either the ASF’s Production KID or Test KID there will be no update link visible. The reason for this is that at this stage you are effectively a guest user and guests cannot see any updating functions. The top part of the web page will look like the following:

Not logged in

You have to first login as an updater. Click on the Search link. A dialog box will ask for a username and password. Enter your updaters username and password. The top row will now change to show you as logged in and the link to update will now be visible.

Logged in as updater

Once you are logged in as an updater click on the “Update” link. The page titled “Update the ASF KID” will appear. This is called the “Update Home Page” and it is the starting point for updating caves, maps, organisations and people. If you have access to update areas you will also see a link for updating areas.

Note on Authentication: There is no “logout” button in the KID. If you have previously logged in as a guest user you will the need to close your web browser, start it up again, and re-login with your updater login name. If your browser has a function like “Clear HTTP Authentication” you can use that instead of shutting down your browser.