Australian Speleological Federation KID: ASF Codes

Codes for the ASF KID

This document was created from the ASF KID on Sun Dec 22, 2024

This is the current list of the English meanings for the field value codes in the ASF's KID. They are identical with the codes of the Informatics Commission (UISIC) of the International Union of Speleology. The codes represent factual data about caves and karst features. They are (1) codes, and (2) numeric, so that they are independent of any spoken language. A side-benefit is that they are very compact for storage and transfer.

The full list of all definitions is here: Field Definitions.    The full list of all field value codes is here: Field Value Codes.

To find a field name in this list use your browsers search facility to search for the text or partial text. If you know the FID, you can go straight to the field by adding #fid to the URL in your browser window and pressing <Return>.

Total number of FIDs: 61

73 : Value sequence
Coding: U

154 : UIS status UIS code
Coding: I
Code  Meaning

155 : UIS status UIS text
Coding: U

156 : Site country code
Coding: U

157 : Site organisation code
Coding: L
Code  Meaning

158 : Site default language
Coding: U

182 : Database org code
Coding: U

183 : Form seq
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

184 : Detail form tablename
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

185 : Detail form form number
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

186 : Page number of form
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

191 : Local status UIS code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

192 : Local status UIS text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

193 : Local status new code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

194 : Local status new text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

284 : Country code ISO-3166
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

285 : Country name
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

286 : State code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

287 : State name
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

289 : Map Grid used
Coding: U

290 : Table scroll arrows Y/N
Coding: U

291 : Code translations Y/N
Coding: U

292 : Government level name
Coding: U

293 : Land unit name
Coding: U

294 : Coarse - geogr. precision
Coding: U

295 : Coarse - gr.ref precision
Coding: U

296 : Coarse - grid ref units
Coding: I
Code  Meaning

298 : Length units
Coding: I
Code  Meaning
1 metres
2 feet
3 yards
4 degrees

299 : Length units abbreviation
Coding: I
Code  Meaning
1 m
2 ft
3 yd
4 deg

306 : Auxmaster name
Coding: U

336 : Local abstracts name
Coding: U

337 : Local abstracts initials
Coding: U

338 : AT coding-type code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

339 : AT coding-type text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

340 : Field length-type code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

341 : Field length-type text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

342 : Key status code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

343 : Key status text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

344 : AT cardinality code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

345 : AT cardinality text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

346 : Value set code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

347 : Value set text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

348 : AT data-type code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

349 : AT data-type text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

350 : Language code ISO-639
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

351 : Language text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

352 : SSC update-status code
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

353 : SSC update-status text
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

354 : State abbreviation
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning
5 SA
6 WA
8 NT
9 Other

375 : Sequence for lookup
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

412 : Coarse - map series
Coding: U

413 : Coarse - gr.ref qualifier
Coding: U

415 : Agent type
Coding: ?
Code  Meaning

440 : Coarse - land unit name
Coding: U

446 : Coarse - altitude units
Coding: I
Code  Meaning

507 : Data confidence level
Coding: I
Code  Meaning
02 correct
04 probably correct
06 possibly correct
08 possibly wrong
10 probably wrong
12 wrong
14 approximately correct
16 much greater than actual
18 a little greater than actual
20 greater than actual
22 probably greater than actual
24 possibly greater than actual
26 possibly less than actual
28 probably less than actual
30 less than actual
32 a little less than actual
34 much less than actual
36 much later than actual
38 a little later than actual
40 later than actual
42 probably later than actual
44 possibly later than actual
46 possibly earlier than actual
48 probably earlier than actual
50 earlier than actual
52 a little earlier than actual
54 much earlier than actual

508 : Data confidence symbol
Coding: I
Code  Meaning
02 =
04 ?
06 ?
08 ?
10 ?
12 x
14 c
16 <
18 <
20 <
22 <
24 <
26 >
28 >
30 >
32 >
34 >
36 <
38 <
40 <
42 <
44 <
46 >
48 >
50 >
52 >
54 >

512 : Entity update status
Coding: I
Code  Meaning
02 contains latest known information
04 some further information available but not yet loaded
06 much more information available but not yet loaded
08 some further information is known by others but not available
10 much more information is known by others but not available
12 token entry - known data not yet entered

526 : Coarse altitude precision
Coding: U

529 : Software upgrade level
Coding: L
Code  Meaning

539 : Program version number
Coding: U

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