Australian Speleological Federation KID: ASF Codes

Person Codes for the ASF KID

This document was created from the ASF KID on Tue Mar 11, 2025

This is the current list of the English meanings for the Person field value codes in the ASF's KID. They are identical with the codes of the Informatics Commission (UISIC) of the International Union of Speleology. The codes represent factual data about caves and karst features. They are (1) codes, and (2) numeric, so that they are independent of any spoken language. A side-benefit is that they are very compact for storage and transfer.

The full list of all definitions is here: Field Definitions.    The full list of all field value codes is here: Field Value Codes.

To find a field name in this list use your browsers search facility to search for the text or partial text. If you know the FID, you can go straight to the field by adding #fid to the URL in your browser window and pressing <Return>.

Total number of Person FIDs: 31

172 : Person ID - temporary
Coding: U

173 : Surname - temporary
Coding: U

174 : Given name - temporary
Coding: U

175 : Title - temporary
Coding: U

176 : Person address - temp
Coding: U

478 : Person ID
Coding: U

479 : Surname
Coding: U

480 : Usual first name
Coding: U

481 : Middle initial
Coding: U

482 : Initials for given names
Coding: U

483 : Title
Coding: U

484 : Address line 1
Coding: U

485 : Address line 2
Coding: U

486 : Address line 3
Coding: U

487 : Address line 4
Coding: U

488 : City or suburb
Coding: U

489 : State abbreviation
Coding: U

490 : State code
Coding: L
Code  Meaning

491 : Postcode
Coding: U

492 : Country name
Coding: U

493 : Country code
Coding: U

494 : Email address
Coding: U

495 : Phone numbers prefix
Coding: U

496 : Home phone number
Coding: U

497 : Work phone number
Coding: U

498 : Mobile phone number
Coding: U

499 : Fax phone number
Coding: U

500 : Pager phone & user number
Coding: U

501 : Organisation code 1
Coding: I
Code  Meaning

502 : Organisation code 2
Coding: I
Code  Meaning

503 : Organisation code 3
Coding: I
Code  Meaning

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