Creating New People
The link [ New ] is used to create new records for people that do not already exist in the database.
Click on [ New ] now and proceed to the next page.
The following fields can be set for a new person. All fields are mandatory.
Title (usually Mr, Ms or Mrs if not Dr etc.)
Usual first name
Organisation code 1
State code
Note that the list for Organisation code 1 will only include the organisations (up to 3 maximum) that you yourself are a member of. You cannot create a new person in an organisation that you are not a member of. (You can however checkout yourself, add the organisation to the list of orgs you are a member of, commit that change and then add the new person.)
When the fields are all filled out and the button is clicked the new person will be created and a page titled “A New Person has been Created” will display showing the details for this person. You can at this stage create another person by clicking [ Create Another ] or edit this persons details by clicling [ Edit ].
The [ Edit ] button will take you to the Person Checkout procedure for checking out a person as covered in the first part of this tutorial. Check them out, make your edits, and another person will need to pass the changes.
The [ Create Another ] button will take you back to a new form for creating a person as just described.